José Luis Vilas
Labquimac. UPV/EHU
J.L. Vilas is currently an Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry at the Physical Chemistry Department of the University of the Basque Country. He is the head of the Macromolecular Chemistry Group. His current research interests include synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials, focusing in polymeric materials and composites with smart properties, like shape memory properties, electric properties and so on, and the synthesis of biocompatible polymers and polymers from renewable sources. He received his PhD in Chemistry in 1999 from the University of Basque Country. After working in different companies related with the synthesis and processing of polymeric materials he moved back to the university. He is member of several international associations, and he holds 100 publications and 3 patents.
José Ramón Dios
J. Ramón Dios graduated in Chemical Sciences (Physical Chemistry) at the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain (1987) and he obtained his PhD. at the University of Basque Country and was directed from the BCMaterials, Spain (2021). Since 1990 he has been like a researcher at the Materials Department at the Technological Center GAIKER, Spain, where his work is focused on the area of advanced and functional materials for sensors and printed electronics, new biobased polymers, and polymer applications. These activities were carried out through the participation in multiple projects addressing the integration of new polymers and composites with smart properties for sensors and actuator devices. Also, his current research activities are focused on the integration of these smart materials in the plastic processes and the valorization of new sustainable materials.
Raquel González
Raquel González Teresa received her doctor degree in Physics of Advanced Materials and Nanostructures in 2014 from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She was working as a researcher in different sectors from University, RTO to SMEs so she has a broad experience on how to manage R&D activities in all the value chain. Currently she is on charge of the Project Management and Technology Transfer Department of BCMaterials. She is responsible for developing project scope, budgets, and timelines, and project status reports, managing projects to strategies, being on charge of the internationalization strategy of the centre. She also identifies, facilitates, and negotiates all relevant collaborations with potential industry partners to respond the needs and accelerate the development of the project as a whole, when applicable identifies the protection strategy and transfers these scientific ideas and discoveries from the project to potential applications through collaborative projects with industry.
Roberto Fernández
Roberto Fernández de Luis got his PhD (Material science, 2009) from the University of the Basque Country. His research is focused on crystal structure determination and thermal stability of the crystal frameworks after the loss and uptake of guest and coordinated species. For these studies, he has specialized on single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction at non-ambient temperature. He is currently working in collaboration with the Crystallography group in UPV/EHU on the room temperature and hydrothermal synthesis of nano-structured hydrogels of silver vanadium oxides for sensing and battery applications.
Lara Herrera del Val
IIS Biocruces Bizkaia
Lara Herrera earned her degree in Biology in the University of the Basque Country. Later, she obtained her master degree in Biomedical Research in the medicine faculty of the University of the Basque Country. During the realization of the master degree, she developed her master degree project in the laboratory of Dr. Cristina Eguizabal, who leads the Group of Cell Therapy and Stem Cells at the Basque Center for Transfusion and Human Tissues (CVTTH). She focused her research in cell therapy against acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). She did her PhD in the same laboratory on a project entitled on “Arming human stem cell derived-NK cells with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) for the treatment of refractory pediatric hematological cancer” that was funded by Maratón EiTB-Cancer Infantil 2014 (BIO13/CI/009). She is doing the PhD program in Biomedical Research Program (RD 99/2011) st the University of the Basque Country. She got one year predoctoral contract from Fundación Gangoiti and also 3 years predoctoral contract from Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC). During Lara’s PhD was doing a couple short stages in laboratories taking advantages of new techniques related with her PhD. Lara was in Ans van Pelt’s laboratory at Academical Medical Center in Amsterdam from December 2015-May 2016 learning several techniques to culture and differenciate stem cells (Funding: “Ayudas para personal sanitario en el extranjero-Dept Salud del Gobierno Vasco-Osakidetza”). Furthermore, Lara was in Manel Juan Otero’s laboratory in Hospital Clinic-BCN in November 2016 learning the GMP- production of CCD19-CAR. Lara obtained her PhD degree in February 2020.Lara carried out her fisrt post-doctoral project thanks to a grant from Fundación Mutua Madrileña since 1st of July 2020 in Centro Vasco de Transfusión y Tejidos Humanos// IIS Biocruces Bizkaia under the supervision of dr. Cristina Eguizabal. Nowadays, Lara is still working under the supervision of dr. Cristina Eguizabal in Centro Vasco de Transfusión y Tejidos Humanos// IIS Biocruces Bizkaia, researching in trying new CD19-CAR variants, custom made for NK cells. This will lead to a CAR-NK clinical trial, supported by Instituto Carlos III (ICI21/00095), being a pioneer project in Spain. Dr Herrera published to date 11 different manuscript: 5 of them as a first author; and 9 of them were citated with 116 total citations (
Koro de la Caba
Biomat. UPV/EHU
Koro de la Caba received a BSc in Chemistry (Macromolecules specialty) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and a PhD in Science (New Materials and Processes Program) at the UPV/EHU (Extraordinary Doctorate Award). She is Full Professor at the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department in the School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa in Donostia-San Sebastián and UPV/EHU Research Associate at BCMaterials. She is head of BIOMAT group and her research focuses on various aspects of materials, especially proteins and polysaccharides, including valorization, modification, manufacture and characterization, with the aim of contributing to the development of competitive and sustainable products and processes for applications in diverse sectors, such as food, pharmaceutics, and tissue engineering, among others.
José María Porro
Dr. Jose María Porro is currently an Ikerbasque Research Fellow and Neutron Science research line co-leader at BCMaterials, Leioa, Bizkaia, Spain. He developed his PhD at the nanomagnetism group of CIC nanoGUNE (Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain), under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Vavassori. He was a PDRA at the ISIS neutron and muon source of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Oxfordshire, UK) and visiting scientist at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron until September 2017, when he secured a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship (MSCA-IF) at BCMaterials, followed by an Ikerbasque Fellowship in late 2019 at the same institution. He is author and co-author of around 30 research articles published in indexed international leading peer-reviewed journals. He has been member of the Program Committee of the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials conference series, as well as of the Scientific Committee of the IMoH’22 conference in the area of neutron sciences , and has delivered 6 invited talks at international conferences in the last two years. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Neutron Techniques (Sociedad Española de Técnicas Neutrónicas, SETN), member of the Magnetic Materials Committee of the TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) of the USA, and of the user committee of the IBR-2 neutron source (Dubna, Russia). He is an Editorial Board Member of the journal Magnetochemistry (IF: 3.336), an evaluator for the Spanish AEI on “Generación de conocimento” project calls, and scientific expert (evaluator of neutron beamtime proposals) in the panel “Nanosystems and soft matter” for the IBR-2 neutron source, as well as for ANSTO, the Australian Neutron Source. He is a lecturer on the Master in New Materials of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), has supervised three Master Thesis, as well as several TFGs and short research internships, and currently supervises four PhD students.
Viktor Petrenko
Dr. Viktor Petrenko is Ikerbasque research fellow in neutronics. In 2005 Viktor Petrenko received Master Diploma with Honor at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Ukraine) and then PhD in molecular physics in 2008. Doctor of science diploma in physics and mathematics was received in 2017 at the same University and title of the work was “Structure and physical properties of magnetic fluids”. Viktor Petrenko is experienced in small-angle scattering and reflectometry techniques for structural characterization of various colloidal solutions and soft matter in bulk and at interfaces. His current interest is focused onto application of small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering as well as reflectometry techniques for development of nanomaterials for different applications. The main objects of his study are ferrofluids, nanocomposites, solutions of bio-macromolecules, surfactants&polymer solutions, colloidal solutions of fullerenes, layered nanostructures, planar and developed electrochemical interfaces etc. For the moment Dr.V.I.Petrenko has 99 publications in Scopus, h index = 18.
He has experience with neutron scattering experiments at IBR-2 reactor in international intergovernmental organization JINR (located in Russia), at Budapest Neutron Center (Hungary), at Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland); MLZ (Germany); HZG (Germany); DESY (Germany) etc.
Due to his deep knowledge of structural nanodiagnostic by neutrons, he presented Invited talks at the international conferences and at various seminars.
During scientific career Dr. Viktor Petrenko was awarded by different diploma and prizes for the neutron scattering research works and among other prestigious Prize of President of Ukraine for young scientists was awarded in 2013.
Ivan Coluzza
Prof. Coluzza’s research focuses on the applications of statistical mechanics to soft matter and complex biological systems. During his research experience, he developed a deep interest in many different fields ranging from physics to biology. He worked in world-leading biophysics groups and created an extensive network of collaborators. He graduated in physics from La Sapienza University in Rome and obtained his doctorate in physics from the University of Amsterdam. Prof. Coluzza worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge and at the Institute for Medical Research in London. He recently held the post of assistant at the University of Vienna. and the position of head of the Computational Biophysics group at the CIC biomaGUNE research centre in San Sebastián (Spain). Currently, he is an Ikerbasque Research Professor at BCMaterials in Leioa Spain, where he is the head of the Computational Soft Matter and Biophysics group.
Ivan Infante
Ivan Infante holds the position of Ikerbasque Research Professor and co-leads the Computational Materials Science transverse line at BCMaterials. His current research objectives aim at elucidating surface processes of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots by combining theoretical models with experiments. He also devlops tools to facilitate the preparation of molecular structure models to launch them on supercomputers in an automated way. Ivan obtained his PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in Theoretical Chemistry under the supervision of Lucas Visscher and Evert Jan Baerends. After a two-years postdoc experience in Laura Gagliardi’s group at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, he was bestowed a Juan de la Cierva grant and moved to the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), where he could pursue his independent research career. In 2014, he was awarded a prestigious Vidi grant (800.000 euros) from The Netherlands Organization for scientific research (NWO) that enabled him to establish his own research group as an Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). In 2018, he moved to the Italian Institute of Technology to build up a computational section at the Nanochemistry department led by Liberato Manna, also head of the Nanomaterials division. In 2022 he received an Ikerbasque Professor position.
Amaia Esquisabel
Research Director. Basque Government
Enrique Solano
Kipu Quantum / Quanvia
Enrique Solano es Chief Visionary Officer de la empresa Kipu Quantum, una startup alemana que diseña algoritmos y arquitecturas de computación cuántica para la industria. Solano es también fundador de la empresa Quanvia, una startup de Bilbao que se dedica al desarrollo de aplicaciones con ordenadores cuánticos pequeños en arte digital, exhibición, educación y el metaverso. Además, Solano ha sido profesor Ikerbasque desde el 2008 hasta el presente año 2022.
Olga Martín
Aclima. Basque Environment Cluster
Olga Martín es Directora General de Aclima, Basque Environment Cluster
Licenciada en Ciencias Químicas y Executive MBA. Olga es Directora General de ACLIMA desde 2019, experta en gestión ambiental, cuenta con una amplia experiencia en puestos de Dirección en Industria y ha ejercido labores de representación sectorial en Europa.
Olga lidera el despliegue del plan estratégico vigente del clúster alineado con el Green Deal Europeo y la agenda 2030. Como interlocutora del sector ambiental vasco, mantiene una estrecha relación con los representantes públicos con competencias en la Competitividad Industrial y el Medio Ambiente a nivel autonómico y estatal. Desde las iniciativas del clúster promueve la innovación y la internacionalización del sector ambiental y e impulsa la generación de nuevos modelos de negocio y empresas.
26 años de trabajo, experiencia y conocimiento adquirido hacen de Aclima-Basque Environment Cluster, el referente y el aglutinante del sector ambiental de Euskadi. Representa tanto al sector privado (industrias y servicios), como al ámbito del conocimiento (universidades y centros tecnológicos) y al sector público. Actualmente, cuenta con 120 socios, de los cuales 90 son empresas. Y representa a las siguientes 6 cadenas de valor: residuos, ciclo integral del agua, suelos contaminados, aire, ecosistemas y ecodiseño.
Cristina del Amo Mateos
IIS Biocruces Bizkaia
Doctora en Ingeniería Biomédica por la Universidad de Zaragoza y la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (2018). Con una formación multidisciplinar (Licenciada en Biología y máster en Ingeniería Biomédica), trabaja desde 2019 como Investigadora Postdoctoral en el grupo de investigación traslacional Terapias Regenerativas, Patología Osteoarticular y Tendinosa, y en la Plataforma de Impresión 3D y Bioimpresión del IIS Biocruces Bizkaia. Durante su etapa investigadora en el grupo M2BE (Instituto de Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A), Universidad de Zaragoza), estudió el efecto de los diferentes factores mecánico-químicos implicados en la migración celular en 3D. Mediante técnicas de microfabricación, desarrolló nuevos dispositivos microfluídicos para el cultivo celular tridimensional. En el año 2016, realizó una estancia de investigación en el Institute for Molecular Engineering (IME- Universidad de Chicago). Actualmente, su investigación en el grupo de Terapias Regenerativas se enmarca en el ámbito de la Medicina Regenerativa y de la Investigación Traslacional, centrándose en el desarrollo y optimización de nuevas biotintas para bioimpresión 3D. Además, participa en el desarrollo de novedosas terapias regenerativas autólogas para el tratamiento de diversas patologías. Cuenta con varias publicaciones científicas en revistas JCR, numerosas comunicaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales, una patente, así como participación en diversos proyectos Europeos (ERC, H2020), nacionales (MINECO) y regionales (ELKARTEK, RIS3, DGA).
Teófilo Rojo
Teófilo Rojo has been Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) since 1992. He is the co-author of over 600 articles, 14 book chapters and 2 books. He has been supervisor of 30 Ph.D.Thesis. His research is focused on Energy Storage Systems (batteries and supercapacitors).
From 2010, the year on which the CIC-Energigune started its activities, to 2020, he was the Scientific Director of this Research Center. He has been the chairman of the Solid-State Chemistry Group and Materials within the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) for ten years. He was awarded with the National Prize in Inorganic Chemistry by the RSEQ in 2013. He was appointed as a Correspondent Academic Member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Exacts, Physical and Natural Sciences in 2015. He was a Member of the Executive Committee of the Division of Solid-State Chemistry and Materials (DSSMC) from EuCheMS (2014-2016) and in 2016 he was appointed as a Member of the Chemistry and Energy of EuCheMS (European Chemical Science).